
Tanzanian Govt. pledges to improve business environment

Tanzanian Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa on Thursday pledged the government’s commitment to continue improving business environment and facilitate local and foreign investments.

Majaliwa told the National Assembly in the capital Dodoma that various interventions which were currently being undertaken by the government aimed at inviting investors in available investment opportunities in different economic sectors.

Majaliwa said Tanzania had enough land to facilitate any kind of investment whereas municipal councils had been directed to set aside special land plots for investment activities.

He said President John Magufuli had been conducting meetings with the Tanzania Business Council as part of efforts to ensure better business environment.

He said measures had been taken to improve infrastructure, including roads and ports and the construction of standard gauge railway (SGR).

Majaliwa told the house that the SGR would also help ease the flow of goods and people in the neighbouring landlocked countries of Uganda, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi and Rwanda.

He said the construction of tarmac roads connecting regions as well as Tanzania with neighbouring countries would enable traders to easily transport their goods across the country.

“We recognise the contribution of trade and investment in our economy. We will continue to improve business environment as well as meet with them to discuss the various challenges they are facing,’’ said Majaliwa. (Xinhua/NAN)

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