
Remarkable and Unforgetable Quotes of Late Dr. Yusuf Maitama Sule

Quotes of late Alhaji YUSUF Maitama Sule (RH) answering a reporters question during a live broadcast on NTA.

“Today we are no longer what we were; what is happening today is not in our character.

The norms and values left by Sardauna and our founding fathers are no longer with us, they are not with us.

Today as I have often described the situation, the institution of family has broken down, respect for elders and constituted authority which used to be our cardinal principle in our society, is now at its lowest ebb.

Honesty, where it does not pay has become meaningless; symptoms of revolt loom large in the horizon.

In short, there is meaninglessness in in philosophy, insecurity in polity, chaos in politics, immorality in society, corruption in economy, frustration in art and lack of creativity in literature.

This is not what North used to be or Nigeria as a whole, ours was a decent country whose leaders respected one another in spite of their political differences.

Ours was a society that was morally sound, was a society in which all of us were our brother’s keepers; it is not the same today.

Perhaps, some people say we have been brain-washed by our erstwhile colonial masters, it is true to a certain extent, but we are to a very large extent to blame, because we are masters of our faith, we should be captains of our souls.

Today, as I have said we are no longer ourselves, our cultural values has been thrown overboard, if a people lose their culture – culture is the identity of the people, people often mistake culture as mare dancing and singing, it is much more than that. Culture is the customs and costumes, the characters and characteristics, the manners and mannerisms, the philosophy and ideology of a people, culture is the totality of a people’s experience, culture is the way of life of the people.

In those days we adhere to the culture of the people, we had an identity, we had respect for one another, our society was morally sound, there was little corruption and so on and so forth. However, in spite of the ugly picture I have painted, I believe we can still get out of the woods, I am not a pessimist I am an optimist, I believe that if we can revive the glory of the past, by reminding us of the good achievements – the success Sardauna and his likes, of our founding fathers, if we recall what Sardauna did and emulate his example, we can certainly revive the glory of the past.

I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel… and I DO HOPE THE STRUGGLE WILL CONTINUE.”
May Allah forgive him.

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