
NTA Network News Summary: All You Need to Know Today 2-06-2016

Senate to Amend Lottery Act

The Senate has passed for second reading the bill for an act to amend the national lottery act.

Senate; No Reversal in Electricity Tariff

Acting Chairman of the Nigerian electricity regulatory commission, Anthony Akah says the recent forty-five percent increase in electricity tariff in Nigeria cannot be reversed.

He stated this at the public hearing on the increase in electricity tariff before the joint senate committee on labour, employment and productivity and the committee on power, steel development and metallurgy.

House on FCT Land Acquisition

Meanwhile, the House of Representatives has queried the legality of Abuja investment company Limited’s possession of 289 point 9 hectares of land under the land swap programme of the FCT.

The Chairman, House Committee on FCT, Representative Herman Hembe at a public hearing on the matter said the company had no business holding the land if there was no contract agreement documents to legalise the land acquisition.

Good Morning Nigeria on OGONI Cleanup

The Minister of Environment Amina Mohammed says all is set for the launch of the Cleanup of Ogoni land by President Mohammedu Buhari on Thursday.

The Minister stated this on nta’s Good Morning Nigeria.

NEMA on Gender and Disaster Risk Management

Experts in disaster management are brainstorming in Abuja to come up with a policy guide for mainstreaming gender in disaster management in Nigeria.

The two day event organized by the national emergency management agency NEMA has participants mostly women from across the country.

Minister of Transportation on Test Ride New Coaches

Nigeria’s first high speed rail plying the Abuja- Kaduna route is expected to commence operation in two weeks’ time.

Minister of transportation, Chibuike Amaechi made this known during a test ride on the new coaches.

Mathematical Centre Recognizes Outstanding Performance

The National Mathematical Centre says the centre has put in place necessary machineries to address mass failure in mathematics.

The Director General of the Centre, Professor Adewale Solarin stated this at the sixth annual mathematics competitions award ceremony for outstanding students across the northern zone of the Country.

Labour Minister on Double Standards in Pension

The Minister of Labour and Employment, Chris Ngige says the federal government will comply fully with section 173 of the constitution that makes review of pension compulsory every five years or at any increment.

In a statement signed by deputy press, Samuel Olowookere says the minister regrets the ordeal of contributory pensioner’s liaison with pension commission, PENCOM to rectify, observe operational anomalies to ensure that benefits are fully paid.

He further added that pension matters by the ILO convention 102 should be under the ministry of labour and employment.

He gave this assurance at an audience with the leaders of the association of the contributory pensioners of Nigeria.

Sports at Ten

Now talking sports Nigeria’s senior National team, the Super Eagles defeated the red lions of Luxembourg on Tuesday to make it two wins in a row as the u23 team arrives in Seoul ahead of their opening game against South Korea on June 2.

China Chaozhoa Ancient City 

The ceramic capital of china, Chaozhou is a key cultural city of the maritime Silk Road and home town of Asia and China’s richest man, Li ka-shing.

While maintaining its cultural heritage for tourism, Chaozhou has been focusing on development with opportunities from the Chinese Government’s belt and road initiative as well as Guangdong government’s development strategy.



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