
NESREA To Set Up Vehicles Emission Testing Centers In Abuja And Other Parts Of The Country

Mie Ogidi

Vehicular emission testing centres are to be set up soon in Abuja and other parts of the country as a measure to control toxic gas generated by vehicles in the Nation’s road transport system. Director General of the National Environmental standards and regulations enforcement agency NESREA, Ngeri Benebo said this at a stakeholders meeting on the operational guidelines for the   implementation of the programme in Abuja.

World health organization report reveals that in 2012 about 7 million people died as a result of exposure to air pollution. Nigeria was not excluded from this alarming statistics as the country has over 10 million vehicles and 3 million motorcycles. The carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and Nitrogen oxide emitted from these automobiles no doubt impacts negatively on the ozone layer and causes skin cancer, cataract asthma and other respiratory diseases

In order to reduce this NESREA has provided the necessary equipment to carry out daily test on vehicles to know their road worthiness in collaboration with security agencies.

Nesrea test equipment
Vehicle Emission Testing Equipment










Vehicular emission testing centres are to be set up soon in Abuja and later in other parts of the country as a measure to control toxic gas generated by vehicles in the Nation’s road transport system.
Director General of the National Environmental standards and regulations enforcement agency NESREA, Ngeri Benebo said this at a stakeholders meeting on the operational guidelines for the implementation of the programme in Abuja.

DG, Nesrea
Ngeri Benebo











For now the exercise will be carried out in the FCT Abuja as a test run while the minister of environment is expected to flag it off formerly to take effect nationwide.

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