
Former Head of Service Honoured

By Aliyu Kabir

The current reform in the Federal Civil Service is aimed at meeting the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians towards achieving a varile civil service. This was the conclusion at a Special Dinner in honour of the former Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Isah Bello Sali in Abuja.

There was a standing ovation for Sali as he completed meritorious service to his fatherland reaching the pinnacle of his carrier as the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation. Sali was described as as accomplished Civil Servant. According to Sali, issues of fast tracking the processes in the Civil Service to enhance National growth and development was the priority of his tenure.

While celebrating his 60th birthday, Sali expressed his delight with all Nigerians especially members of the Adamawa community for their contributions to his successful life.

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