
FRSC Reacts to Misleading Publications

The federal road safety corps has debunked a misleading publication in some media platforms insinuating that the Corps has abolished patrol points in four Southeastern states of Eboyi, Enugu, Imo and Abia.

In a statement signed by the corps public education officer, Segun ogungbemide it says The said statement was attributed to the address presented by the Zonal Commanding Officer of Zone 9 Headquarters Enugu, Assistant Corps Marshal Uche Chukwurah during her visit to the Abia State Sector Command, Umuahia which was meant to reaffirm the stand of the Corps on the new operational strategy that will de-emphasize static patrol which comes in the form of roadblock, but unfortunately it was misconstrued to mean abolition of patrol points in the zonal command based on security threats.

The corps reaffirms that the policy of rejigging the operational strategy of the Corps as conceived by the present Management under Corps Marshal Shehu is aimed at improving the capacity of the personnel to respond promptly to distress calls through provision of functional operational vehicles, ambulances and motorbikes; retraining of personnel for efficient rescue services and increasing the mileage coverage of daily patrol activities for inceessed presence on parts of the road network.

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