
Flooding: Niger Governor Warns Against Refuse Dumping in Drains


Gov. Abubakar Bello of Niger has warned residents of the state, especially those living in flood prone areas, against indiscriminate dumping of refuse in waterways.

He gave the warning when he visited the areas that were ravaged by flood within Minna Township in Minna on Tuesday.

Three persons lost their lives and many rendered homeless as flood ravaged Bosso Estate, Mypa road, Okada road and Shanu village, and Kpakungu in Bosso and Chanchaga Local Government Areas of the state on Saturday.

Bello, while sympathising with the victims, advised them to always ensure that waterways were cleared for free flow of rain waters.

“It is obvious that the cause of the flood is due to blockages of drainage system.

“We have been passing out warnings to people to desist from dumping of refuse in waterways, but some people deliberately refused to adhere to these warnings.

“The disaster has already happened, we cannot bring back all that has been lost and damaged, but we can give our support,” he said.

Bello appealed to the affected persons to see the flood as an act of God and pledged that government would do its best to support the victims in order to cushion the effects of the disaster.

He directed the state Ministry of Environment to commence immediate execution of drainage system to avoid re-occurrence of flood disasters.

Sunday Musa, a resident of the area, said many people have lost their lives especially children on road accident as a result of speeding by motorist plying the route.

“Our children are hit by cars while some even lost their lives due to the way motorist speed on the road.

“That is why we want government to take action so that motorist using the route will reduce their speed when they approach the area,” he said.

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