
Police arrests HIV-infected Reverend Father for defiling little boys

reverend father Ezuma Chizemdere

The Nigerian police force has arrested a Reverend Father for defiling minors in Lagos State.

On 22 January 2019, a case of defilement of a minor (names withheld) by penetration was reported by a good Samaritan at Ejigbo Police Station. Investigations carried out revealed that one Reverend Prince Ezuma Chizemdere, Founder of ‘Jesus Intervention Household Ministry’ was part of the syndicate defiling teenagers in the community.

He has been at large for about three months until his arrest. On the 21st of March 2019, at about 01:00 hours, Police officers laid siege of the Reverend’s residence based on information gathered that he often sneaks into the house through the back entrance. Discovering that the police had laid a siege around his house, the reverend hid in a ceiling for 2 hours.

He was however arrested. Further investigation revealed that Reverend Ezuma brought in about 15 boys into his apartment where he forcefully penetrated them all through the anus.

Some members of the neighbourhood told to the police that the Reverend usually washes 6 bedsheets daily whenever he brings in little children, suspected to be his sex partners. On further interrogation, the “Reverend” revealed that he is HIV positive and has been receiving treatment for over 3 years.

One Ikem Anthony Shedrack, Male, 16 years old was part of his customers and was infected by  Ezuma with HIV around October 2018. Ezuma knew he was HIV positive and deliberately infecting innocent teenagers and adults.

He further confessed that he pays the boys two thousand naira (N2000) each, anytime he has carnal knowledge of them. The suspect will be charged to court.

In a related development, the Command’s Gender Unit succeeded in arresting one Ajayi Akintunde ‘m’ 29 years old, a Teacher with Fazir I Omar Senior High School, Iwaya, Yaba for having oral sex with a female SS2 Student for marks.

The defilement started when the girl was in SS1 and lasted for about two years now. An investigation into the matter is currently ongoing.

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