
#BokoHaram: PCNI Trains 170 Stakeholders on The Peace-building Process

Training has begun for 170 stakeholders comprising traditional Rulers, Judicial officers, and Imams on peacebuilding and Transitional Justice in Gombe State by the Presidential Committee on North-East Initiative (PCNI(.

Speaking earlier, Chairman of Green Horizon Law and Development Consultants who are facilitators of the program, Professor Muhammed Tabiu (SAN), said that the workshop is one among series of training workshops taking place in all the six North-Eastern States organized by the PCNI with the objective of promoting and supporting peace, justice, reconciliation, and reintegration in the North-East.

Represented by Barrister Mohammed Maidoki, Professor Muhammad Tabiu said that, Boko Haram crises in the North-East has devastated the region beyond description adding that, “in a period of about eight years, the crises consumed an estimated 30,000 lives and displaced over two million people from their homes”.

He further said that “This is aside from the destruction of towns and villages as well as valuable Government facilities like schools, hospitals, health centers, courts, Police Stations, prisons and many more. While the three states Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States bore the worst brunt of this monumental calamity, no State in the region was left untouched”.

“The programme will be particularly important to the Imams in the State considering the role they play in the society”, he declared.

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