
Agency inaugurates SERVICOM unit, trains 150 staff

Border Community Development Agency (BCDA) inaugurates SERVICOM unit, trains 150 staff
Border Community Development Agency (BCDA) inaugurates SERVICOM unit, trains 150 staff

By Kate Obande-Okewu

The Border Community Development Agency (BCDA) on Wednesday in Abuja, inaugurated its Service Compact (SERVICOM) Unit and trained over 150 members of staff on quality service delivery.

The inauguration took place during the sensitisation workshop on “Work Ethics, Public Service Integrity and Service Improvement,” organised by SERVICOM in collaboration with BCDA, for enhanced service delivery.

Mrs Agnes Aremu, Director, BCDA, said the unit was established to ensure the agency improved on its service delivery and promote transparency and accountability.

She also explained that the training was to enable members of staff come to terms with their responsibilities.

Aremu said the programme would enable the trained staff to key into the ‘change agenda’ of the present administration.

“The reason for setting up the SERVICOM unit is to have a transparent, accountable and prompt service delivery, so that when services are delivered, service takers get the best of their expectations.

“Where such is not achievable the customers are supposed to return to the agency and lay their complaints and we have various mechanisms for getting the feedback.

“Our mandate has to do with project development and implementation in border communities that are almost 3000 scattered at international border areas.

“The training and establishment of the unit, will impact positively on the work we do and help us come up with programmes that are very smart, achievable and can impact on the people,” Aremu said.

Mrs Nneka Oleh, a SERVICOM staff who facilitated the training, said the event was organised to sensitise the staff on the mandate of the organisation, and that it would enlighten the trainees about its mode of operation.

Oleh stated further that the unit was created as a result of government directive that all Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) should have a SERVICOM unit.

She explained that SERVICOM served as the bridge between the service providers and service takers to meet the demands of the public, facilitate service delivery and promote improved services.

She, however, urged BCDA to develop a service charter and work plan that would determine their goals and objectives.

The facilitator noted that the unit heads were responsible for managing the implementation of the work plan and ensuring that milestones were achieved.

Oleh also said data gathering and analysis were essential to the implementation of the work plans for efficient service delivery.


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