
NIMC Provides Identity Verification Services To Insurance and Pension Sectors

The National Identity Management Commission, (NIMC) is set to deploy the NIMC Verification Service (NVS) to the Insurance and Pension sector, following the successful implementation and adoption of the platform by most financial institutions in the country.

Separate presentation forums were organised by the Business Development and Commercial Services (BDCS) Department, at the Training Centre of the NIMC headquarters, Abuja recently to demonstrate the verification procedures, had in attendance NICON Insurance Plc, Great Nigerian insurance Plc, Joy Sovereign Trust Insurance Plc, Custodian Life Insurance Plc, Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate (PTAD), SIGMA Pensions Ltd, Pension Alliance Ltd, amongst others.

The Deputy General Manager of the BDCS Department, Mrs. Carolyn Folami, while making presentation at both forums, noted that NIMC is fully committed to its mandate to be a one stop shop for identity management in Nigeria.

While noting that NIMC is meant to regulate the identity sector and all transactions related to identity, she disclosed that part of NIMC’s mandate is to work in partnership with all institutions, including the Insurance sector in Nigeria, to ensure that the National Identification Number (NIN), is used for all transactions.

The DGM stressed the importance of the National Identity Management System, and the need to harmonize insurance companies’ databases with the National Identity Database (NIDB), adding that an insurance applet, although yet to be activated, is also included on the National e-ID Card.

According to her, the Application Program Interface (API) for the NIMC Verification Service (NVS) is already being deployed to institutions like the banks, who can query the system for over 17 million people who have enrolled for NIN and have had their details captured on the National Database.

The team leader for software development, Mr. Olushola Amurawaiye, while making the NIMC Verification Service’s (NVS) live presentation, said it has two client interfaces – the Standalone Desktop version and the online Web version.

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