
Airlift of Intending #Pilgrims From Plateau State Commences on Aug.22- Amirul Hajj



A total of 1,104 intending pilgrims from Plateau will perform the 2017 pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, Alhaji Dayyabu Garga, the state Amirul Hajj, has disclosed.


He told NAN that based on the time table released by the National Hajj Commission, intending pilgrims from the state are expected to be airlifted on Aug. 22.

“Unlike previous years when intending pilgrims from Plateau were airlifted from Kaduna International Airport, this year, they will be airlifted from Bauchi International Airport,” Garga said.

He said that the state Muslims Pilgrims Commission had already commenced sensitisation of the intending pilgrims.

He said the prospective pilgrims were advised to `carry things that are not prohibited in the holy land as the Saudi Authorities don’t bend their laws.

“We try to educate them on some of the laws to be mindful of and work in the confines of the law.

“We advised them to secure their Basic Travelling Allowance (BTA) as that is their feeding allowance that will sustain them in the period that they will stay in the holy land,’’ he said. NAN

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