
Chief of Army Staff 2017 Easter Message To Troops of The Nigerian Army – @HQNigerianArmy

I wish to use this opportunity to felicitate with all as we celebrate the Easter Season this Year 2017.

I indeed felicitate with all troops under command for successfully witnessing this sacred period of Easter.

This alongside the preceding Lenten period reminds us of personal sacrifices for the common good, care for the less privileged, protection of the vulnerable and love for fellow citizens.

These are virtues that our profession as soldiers extol.

I therefore want all to use the season to pray for our dear country and troops especially those deployed in the fight against insurgency in the NE and in other theatres both at home and abroad in pursuit of our constitutional mandate.

Let’s join hands to pray that the C-in-C and all our leaders should succeed in their efforts to deliver to the people a safe and prosperous country we all can be proud of.

I therefore charge you all to remain loyal, alert, vigilant and professional in all you do this season and always.

It is thus an opportunity to renew our faith, re-dedicate our commitment to service and united in our collective resolve to defend our country.

Happy Easter once more and God bless.

Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusuf Buratai

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