
Assembly Adopts Bill Seeking For Compulsory Free Medical Test Before Marriage

Kaduna State House of Assembly on Thursday adopted the report of its Committee on Health in respect of the bill seeking for compulsory free medical test before marriage.

The assembly, at its sitting presided over by the Speaker, Aminu Shagali, adopted all the recommendations of the committee and fixed May 11, 2017 for third reading of the Bill.

Earlier, Chairman of the committee, Dr Isaac Zainkhai, while presenting the report, said the main aim was to enable intending couples know their health status and compatibility before marriage.

“It is to guide the people and provide legal framework to actualize their aspirations,” he said.

The committee recommended that medical results of the intending couples must be kept confidential and only handed over to the person conducting the marriage in the presence of witnesses.

It also provided that the medical test be conducted three months before wedding, and repeated two weeks before the solemnisation of the marriage contract.

The report also provided N200, 000 fine on defaulters.

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