
Police Officers Wives Association Advocate On Strategy To Regulate Cyber Crimes

POWA group photo

The need for a global strategy on how best to regulate the internet to curb threats and challenges as well as harness opportunities is the focus of a conference on cyber security put together by the Police Officers Wives Association in Abuja.

Todays’ generation is blessed with wonderful technologies that have made living easy but has also given birth to some unique challenges, one of which is cybercrime.

This is because cyber criminals are becoming more skilled at penetrating systems of organizations and avoiding detection by it professionals and law enforcement agencies.

The POWA workshop is to contribute to finding a lasting solution to this menace and various speakers did not mince words on the need to chart a way forward.

They said hackers can easily plant censors on any system to have access from any part of the world hence the need for organizations to step up their game in protecting their web site.

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