African Union Leadership Academy Convenes It’s Inaugural Training Programme
The African Union Leadership Academy (AULA) convened its first capacity building program

when was the training held– a 5-day Project Management Certification for 40 staff involved in the planning, design, implementation and management of flagship projects within the AU Strategic Plan; AU 2016 Program Budget and the Projects of the First-Ten-Year Implementation Plan of the Agenda 2063. The participants were selected from different departments and Offices within and outside the headquarters.
This program aims to improve the management of programmes and projects in the African Union by developing competencies of the AU staff and other key stakeholders involved in AU programmes and projects, raising awareness and general level of programme /project management knowledge and skills through the delivery of specifically tailored courses and bringing participants to a level of expertise in specific programme /project management areas. Participants will be equipped with the essential skills, tools and good practices for the successful design, implementation and management of programmes and projects.
The programme will include but not limited to Project Needs Assessment, Planning, Programming and Monitoring Projects, Evaluating Projects, Results-based Management and Project Cycle Management. The program is facilitated by a PMI Certified trainer from The International Learning Institute (IIL) – a member of the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) Global Executive Council as well as being recognized by PMI as a Charter Global Registered Education Provider. Comprehensive learning materials accompany this 35hour session, with the need for additional 200hours for comprehensive exams preparations.
This PMP program is one among other interventions of the African Union Leadership Academy to develop and implement a set of capacity building solutions. The established AULA’s core business is the development and deployment of knowledge-driven capacity development solutions are aligned to the organization’s strategic objectives.
African Union
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