
Attack by Boko Haram on Yobe costs the Terrorists scores of Lives and Weapons

Nigerian Army In North-East On Patrol
Nigerian military patroling a town in North-East Nigeria

Scores of heavily armed terrorists using women and children as shield died on Sunday when they attacked Babangida in Yobe State while their action was being foiled by troops on Sunday. Over 10 rifles and weapon accessories as well as hundreds of rounds of ammunition and some Hand Grenades were also recovered from the terrorists as some of them fled with gunshot wounds. 3 Hilux vehicles were also captured from them.

One soldier and a vigilante member however died, while 5 were wounded during the encounter.

Babangida, the Headquarters of Tarmuwa Local Government Headquarters is 50 kilometres from Damaturu which is possible target of the terrorists.

Report from DHQ

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