

United Nations industrial development fund UNIDO is forging a national quality infrastructure project for Nigeria. This is to enhance the competitiveness of goods and services produced in Nigeria.

Sikeola Ipinnaiye reports that the gesture is aimed at achieving government’s transformation agenda and vision 20-20-20.

Going by UNIDO’S perception Nigeria lacks international recognized national quality infrastructure, with the capacity to ensure safety, integrity and marketability of goods and services.

The national infrastructure project with a 12 million euro support from the European union aims to strengthen the quality of goods produced in the country as well as enhance their acceptability in the global market.

UNIDO country representative said Nigerian goods should not only be competitive price but also in quality.

To this end a workshop bringing together key players in Nigeria’s trade support institutions and quality control is ongoing in Abuja to come up with implementable practical frame work towards achieving the goal.

When this is achieved it is believed vision 20-20-20 will be a work over.


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