
Symposium on Constitutional Amendment

By Femi Okeowo

The fastest means for Nigeria to Political and socio economic development is the enforcement of the Rule of Law at all levels, which will be best reflected through its constitutional provisions. This was the submission of concerned Nigerians at a one day symposium on the review of the 1999 constitution and its impact on Judicial Reforms.

As Nigeria inches closer to yet another constitution amendment, stakeholders have continued to show great concern on how effective the Nigerian Constitution can be pushing political, constitutional and socio-economic development.

One of such shows of concern is the Symposium organised by the Rule of Law Development Foundation. And while they have different ways of putting out their concerns, they all seem to be united in the fact that the Rule of Law component in the constitution as depicted by the Judicial Reforms is the best way to ensure greater benefits for Nigerians.

Not many people understand that abiding by the rule of law applies to everybody and that it creates a level playing ground for all citizens. Stakeholders expect that the Judicial Reform Component of the Constitution will certainly go a long way in helping Nigeria translate into a structured and ordered society which is what we need most now.

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