
Minister of Finance-BNP Attends World Economic Forum, Davos

The Hon. Minister of Finance, Budget & National Planning Mrs Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed is currently in Davos, Switzerland participating in the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum.

She attended the Launch of the Davos Friends of the Africa Growth Platform (AGP), the session convened African heads of state and government, global chairs and chief executives, as well as heads of international organizations, civil society and academia.

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AGP was launched by the Africa Regional Business Council during the World Economic Forum on Africa 2019, held in Cape Town, South Africa, in September 2019. The Platform launched in order to mobilize international collaboration for success.

She also participated in a session titled “Fast-tracking Digital Investments”. A Multilateral Meeting with a mission to contribute to ongoing work answering key questions including creating the right policy environment and ecosystem to fast track digital investment and commitments by the group to ensure the scale up of these efforts. The focus was on key policy approaches that have been proven to encourage digital investment and inclusion.

She had several bilateral and multilateral meetings with various countries, with more engagements to come.

Fed Min of Finance

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