
NHRC on Electoral Impunity

By Isaac Nkuma

Steps towards addressing Electoral impunity in Nigeria is being advocated by the National Human rights Commission (NHRC) with the launch of a project known as “Fair Trial and the Right to Effective Participation in Governance.” Chairman of the NHRC Prof. Chidi Odinkalu says the process is to re-assure the electorate of a credible electioneering process where their votes will count.

The process is an independent review of evidence of gross violations of the rights to participation in Governance and fair trial through the election petition process in Nigeria between 2003 and 2013.

For the Commission, the process will reflect the peoples will at the polls as well as prosecute individuals who conspire to steal the peoples votes. Some Stakeholders at the event described the initiative as one geared towards advancing the rule of law in Nigeria. They urged the Technical Working Group to produce a workable report for a possible amendment of the Constitution guiding elections in Nigeria.

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